Catherine Junior School

Together, we can do it!

Religious Education

Catherine Junior School Religious Education Vision Statement


At Catherine Junior School our curriculum is designed to provide, through inspiring and engaging experiences, and by providing the knowledge and skills to become independent, life-long learners. We recognise that religious education is essential to everyday life; the knowledge the children learn allows for personal reflection, and enables them to develop their own views, ideas, and identities. The curriculum offers children the opportunity to connect with the wider community, giving them a stimulating learning experience.

Aims and Objectives

At CJS we base our RE curriculum around the SACREs of both Leicester and Leicestershire, and ensure that we cover all suggested units. In addition to this we teach about other religions when we look at RE with a wider focus and through assemblies.

At CJS the children learn about 4 major world religions that reflect our local area.

· Hinduism

· Islam

· Christianity

· Sikhism

Children encounter and explore a range of religious teachings and stories that demonstrate different religious values. RE learning at CJS teaches children to value themselves and others, to explore the role of family and the community in religious belief and activity and celebrate diversity by understanding similarities and differences. Visitors from different religions are invited to the school to help the children develop their knowledge and so they can see religion in everyday life. Teachers are encouraged to take children on school journeys to places of worship to further engage them in their learning and provide experiences.

CJS aim to develop learners who:

· Have respect for and sensitivity to others, in particular those whose faiths, beliefs and experiences are different from their own.

· Are encouraged to see the religions that surround them every day and find pleasure in developing an understanding of other beliefs-using their reading and oracy skills

· Connect knowledge to other things they have learnt and recall what they already know to apply knowledge gained.

· Have a Growth Mindset and a positive ‘can-do’ attitude towards the subject of RE.

· Use The Catherine Code and are Supportive, Resilient, Collaborative, Enthusiastic, Motivated, Respectful, Thoughtful and Valued.

Religious Education Subject Progression

Religious Education Long Term Plan