Catherine Junior School

Together, we can do it!

Catherine Junior School SEND Information Report


Welcome to our SEND Information Report, which is part of the Leicester Local Offer for learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. This Local Offer has been produced by the Local Authority in collaboration with Leicester City schools. The purpose of the local offer is to make sure that parents and young people can easily find what services are available in their area and how to access them. It includes provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care. The Local Offer is available from the website

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) at Catherine Junior School is Mrs M Nelson. The Governor with responsibility for SEND is Lisa Cooke. If you have any questions about the information here, please contact the SENDCo via the school office.

There are four broad categories of SEND:
•Communication and interaction (such as autistic spectrum and language disorders)

•Cognition and learning (such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia, moderate learning difficulties and global development delay)

•Social, emotional and mental health (such as ADHD, ADD, attachment disorders, emotional difficulties, mental health difficulties)

•Physical and Sensory (such as hearing or vision impaired)

At Catherine Junior School, we have children in all these categories of SEND, and some children may have difficulties in more than one category. This may include children with a formal diagnosis, as well as those who don’t.

At Catherine Junior school, we work with an ‘assess-plan-do-review’ cycle to make sure that we are meeting the needs of our
pupils. The progress of all pupils is monitored closely in school, but children might be identified as having SEND through one of
three assessment routes:

1.Pupil progress meetings, where the progress of every child is monitored termly. The SENDCo attends these meetings with all
class teachers and, if a child is identified as not making progress, they are discussed separately with the SENDCo and an ‘initial
concerns’ sheet is completed. This will lead to a plan of action being agreed, which is then shared with parents.

2.If a child, as recommended by the 2014 Code of Practice, is making less than expected progress, class teachers will try to identify a reason for this. This can be characterised by progress which:

•Is significantly slower than that of other children who start from the same baseline
•Fails to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
•Fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers

3.Sometimes parents will speak to us about a concern around their child’s learning – we take all concerns seriously and will always do our best to work with parents to address any points raised. Commonly, the concern can be addressed by a response in
class through ‘Quality First Teaching’ or through some parental support. Otherwise, school will consider the best way forward to
support the child.

As part of our assess-plan-do-review cycle, the SENCo or other trained staff may complete a range of standardised tests with
children. These assessments help to build a picture of the strengths and needs of an individual and so will lead to improved
provision for the child.

We aim to support all our pupils in their classrooms using strategies such as small group work, visual timetables and the use of
practical experience and resources. We also have a number of dedicated teaching assistants who support individuals, pairs
or groups of children in their reading, writing, maths, or any other area where children need support. This support might happen within or outside the classroom, depending on the needs of the individual. All staff at Catherine Junior School are dedicated to
ensuring that all children feel happy, safe and supported during their time here.

At Catherine Junior School, we understand that all children are individuals and we aim to support them all! We want to deliver a
varied curriculum which all children will enjoy and where everyone can be supported to make good progress in their learning.
To support a child, we might use strategies such as small group or individual work, additional resources or further adult support in class. In some cases, a child might need support above and beyond this so that they can access lessons. In this case, careful
thought will go in to ensuring that the pupil accesses a balanced curriculum which meets their needs.

Children who are identified as having a special educational need will have an IEP (Individual Education Plan). Their IEP will have
specific targets to support their learning, which will be reviewed each term. You will be invited to attend the meeting with the
SENDCo and your child’s class teacher. We believe that the views of our children are important, so we always ask them to
think about their own progress towards their targets and what they would like to work on next.

If you would like to discuss your child’s progress, or if you have any specific concerns which you would like to raise outside the formal IEP appointments, you are very welcome to make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher or Mrs Nelson, our

At Catherine Junior School, we want to make sure that our pupils feel happy, safe and supported at school and we are committed
to our zero tolerance policy to bullying. We will actively investigate all allegations and, if there is cause, work with both the bully
and the victim to improve social skills.

All children are treated as individuals and all adults work together to meet every child’s academic and pastoral support needs. This includes other professionals working within the school such as our Behaviour Mentor and Family Support Worker, Mr Jayson
Taylor. Mr Taylor is always available to talk to children and families and is a valuable source of support.

We work with a range of outside agencies to ensure that your child has the best possible support.

The main agencies we have contact with are:

•The Primary School Social, Emotional & Mental Health Team (previously the Behaviour Support Team)
•The Complex Learning, communication and Interaction Support Team (CLCI) (formerly the Learning and Autism Support Team)
•Educational psychology
•Speech and language therapy
•Visual Support Team
•Hearing Support Team
•ADHD solutions
•The Family support team.

Parents/carers are always informed if an outside agency is involved.

All staff have regular training on areas of SEND, particularly those which are significant at Catherine Junior school. Individual staff may go on specialist training courses according to individuals needs and experience, but all share a wealth of experience and
advice with each other. Many of our TAs have had training on specific interventions which we use in school to support the

In addition, our outside agency support staff may provide support to school staff on how to work with individual children with
specific needs.

At Catherine Junior School, all of our children have equal access to before school, after school and any school-time activities. Trips are often planned to fit in with current projects or topics, or they might form an end of term or year celebration. All children will be offered a place on those trips, however there may be exceptional circumstances under which it is not deemed safe for a child to
take part. All cases are treated individually, and in every case, the best interests and safety of children and staff would be our
first priority. No child would ever be excluded from a trip because of SEN, disability or medical needs and every necessary adjustment
would be made to ensure that trips and activities would be accessible to all.

Our newly built school is fully accessible and was designed and build to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act. The school is all on one level, has disabled toilets and contrasting colours for the walls and doors to aid visually impaired learners. Where and
when appropriate, we make changes to the environment or building which are necessary for children with physical or other
sensory disabilities.

All of our classrooms are inclusion-friendly - this is good practice to support all children but is vital for those who particularly need
it. We aim to teach in a way that will support children with tendencies towards dyslexia, dyspraxia, ASD etc through the use of, for
example, visual timetables, task plans, resources with coloured backgrounds etc. All of our children access the full National
Curriculum, and we recognise that, as individuals, all our children have unique talents and strengths. As part of normal class
differentiation, curriculum content and ideas are often supported through the use of practical and visual resources.

At Catherine Junior School, we understand how difficult it can be for all children as they move into a new class or a new school. We will always do what we can, according to the individual needs of the child, to make transitions between classes as smooth as
possible. We liaise with the infant school early in the Spring term to plan for transition for all our upcoming pupils. In year 6,
transition visits and arrangements begin in March when secondary schools are allocated.

At Catherine Junior school, we understand that some children may need additional visits to help them feel settled. In this case, we would work with staff at their current school to discuss the best ideas. Such arrangements might include:

•Photo books of staff and key places in their new environment
• A key worker to go with them on visits backwards and forwards between schools
•SENDCos from both schools invited to review meetings
•Additional visits or meetings with the new class teacher

Transition arrangements are tailored to meet individual needs.

For children joining our school during the school year, we have trained ‘buddies’ in each of our classes who are responsible for the settling in and happy transition of our new members. They will introduce the children to new friends, show them
around the school and make sure they can always find a familiar face!

At Catherine Junior School, we want our children to develop their unique talents and strive to improve and excel in all they do. We understand that, with the right resources, support from staff, parents and outside agencies, nothing is beyond the reach of our

Resources are allocated according to need – it is worth noting that a child does not have to be classes as SEND in order to access interventions and further support.

We consider our staff skills, groups of children with similar needs and the best possible resources or interventions to fill gaps and
ensure progress. Interventions are closely monitored by the SENCo and only those with proven value in supporting progress are
used in school. This forms part of our assess-plan-do-review process.

We carefully consider individual needs when deciding how best to support our children and which of a range of interventions to
use. As the person who knows your child best, the class teacher will usually decide which interventions to put in place to support
your child, alongside discussion with the SENDCo.

To use the resources we have available in the best possible way, children with similar needs will often be grouped to allow a more regular support programme.

Parents and carers are always welcome at Catherine Junior school. We warmly invite you into school to take part in celebration
assemblies, special events and occasions and for open evenings and curriculum evenings. Parents’ evenings are held in the
Autumn and Spring terms, but all our teachers are available to talk to, should you have any concerns or questions.

The school office will be able to help with any general queries about the school and admissions. Mrs Nelson, our SENDCo, can be contacted for any additional information on the teaching of children with special educational needs at Catherine Junior school.

At Catherine Junior School, we want to work in partnership with parents wherever possible to ensure a collaborative approach to meeting pupils' needs.

However, all complaints are taken seriously and are dealt with via the school's complaints policy and procedures, which is available from the school office.